Join Us !
We are happy to support fellowship applications in the area of temperate phage-host interactions, cover material costs of your project and support you in transfer or reintegration to Slovenia. Slovenia is considered a Widening country, and there are multiple opportunities to join the group, which are independent on open positions.
We offer mentorship, lab space, and a welcoming environment for Bachelor’s and Master’s projects. If you’re interested, feel free to reach out anytime to: [email protected]
Opportunities for incoming postdocs:

EMBO postdoctoral fellowship – for incoming postdocs from any country. Check if you fulfill the eligibility criteria When applying for project with group leader based in Slovenia you automatically enter the final shortlist for consideration by the Fellowship Committee!

HFSP postdoctoral fellowship – for incoming postdocs applying to work in HSFP country – like Slovenia. Check if you fulfill the eligibility criteria

EUTIPIA-SIF postdoctoral fellowship– for incoming postdocs applying to work at University, which is part of EUTOPIA alliance – like University of Ljubljana!
Opportunities for incoming students:

ASEF Junior Fellowship Visit Slovenia – for incoming students (undergraduate or PhD) of Slovenian heritage, to conduct 10-week research visit at Slovenian research institution and engage in other ASEF activities

ERASMUS+ Short-term visit (3-12 months) – for incoming students (EU or non-EU). Contact international relations office at your research institution for guidance. They will inform you whether they have bilateral agreement with University of Ljubljana. Such agreement can be also created upon your request

Bilateral scholarship (3-10 months) – for incoming students (EU or non-EU) from selected countries – nr of scholarship per country is updated by the Ministry every year.